Gohighlevel CRM: The Easiest Way to Manage Clients!

Gohighlevel CRM: The Easiest Way to Manage Clients!
Gohighlevel CRM: The Easiest Way to Manage Clients!Jonathan Blake
Jonathan Blake
January 8, 2023

If you're looking for an easy way to manage your customer relationships, then you need to check out gohighlevel CRM. This powerful tool makes it simple to keep track of everything related to your customers, from contact information to past interactions. Plus, high-level CRM integrates with many other popular tools, making it the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes!

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Table of Contents

Who is behind Go High Level – Go Highlevel Founder

Go High Level is a digital marketing platform designed by Shaun Clark to help firms save money on various marketing tools.

To decrease the high costs associated with numerous marketing solutions, Shaun Clark created Go High Level as a marketing platform. Go High Level was developed to serve both agencies and small business enterprises.

Shaun is a marketing consultant, and as such, he understands how to handle a company's advertising initiatives. Many businesses have had to do it manually due to the fact that marketing automation is costly and time-consuming.

Shaun's objective with GoHighLevel is to provide a simple answer for small firms that don't have the cash for numerous different tools so that they can still get the work done efficiently.

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Who is high level not for?

GohighLevel isn't for everyone, but it does have some useful tools. GohighLevel provides excellent tools for reaching a large audience and is likely to be quite successful and efficient.

We've got one thing in common. It's not appropriate for an online business with a large stock.

However, it's ideal for eCommerce stores that promote a single product or special offer, but not for huge eCommerce businesses selling many items. In this regard, Go Highlevel is an excellent match for drop shippers or eCommerce sites that focus on a single product. GHL does have a native integration with Shopify.

Blogger's- GHL comes with a built-in blogging platform that does great for local businesses but if your trying to run a media company I wouldn't advise doing so on GHL. They offer a wide range of website templates for all services you can think of that is drag and drop. 

Who is Highlevel CRM for?

Highlevel CRM is for business owners and entrepreneurs who want to streamline their customer relationships and grow their businesses.

They're focusing on digital marketing agencies that offer marketing services to local companies as well as Software as a Service (SaaS), which is where they make their money.

This program has the ability to function in both SAAS and non-SAAS modes, allowing you to sell it as your own Whitelabel SAAS platform and charge whatever you like and boost the retention rate of your services as a by-product.

This is a powerful tool that can be used by businesses of all sizes to manage customer relationships effectively. If you're looking for an easy way to keep track of your customers and their interactions with your business, then high-level CRM is the perfect solution for you.

With high-level CRM, you can manage your customers' contact information, sales leads, and marketing campaigns all in one place. Plus, they have an easy-to-use interface that makes it easy to get started.

Still not convinced? Here are some more reasons to try gohighlevel CRM:

  • Gohighlevel offers a free 14-day trial so you can try it before you commit.
  • the support team is available 24/seven to help you with any questions you may have.
  • Gohighlevel integrates with your existing email and calendar so you can keep all your customer information in one place.

Best All In One Platform(Our Pick to Dominate Any Market)


GoHighLevel is a cloud-based platform designed to help businesses manage their operations and grow efficiently. GoHighLevel’s features are designed to offer insight into customer relationships, automate processes, capture more prospects, and strengthen marketing efforts - all with the goal of helping businesses maximize their revenue.

Among its best features,

  • GoHighLevel automates tasks such as tracking conversations, digital asset organization and distribution, sending automatic follow-up messages to leads and customers
  • All without manual effort. This makes it easy to stay in touch with prospects and increase sales.
  • GoHighLevel also provides analytics that can show what campaigns convert best and other valuable data on customers' preferences, so you know how many leads you need to generate to reach your goals.
  • GoHighLevel offers a variety of tools for any business – from capturing leads at every stage of the journey to driving sales through automated emails and social posts – GoHighLevel helps businesses effectively capture more prospects, convert them into paying customers, and most importantly, boost revenue.

GoHighLevel is the perfect solution for any business that does any sort of marketing online.

GoHighLevel is an all-in-one software platform that helps automate and optimize digital processes from concept to completion.

  • The system provides a streamlined workflow encompassing essential aspects like scheduling, organizing, budgeting, planning, tracking, and analyzing campaigns in real time. GoHighLevel allows businesses to easily manage and monitor multiple campaigns across all channels while keeping everything under one roof; allowing them to save time so they can focus on methods to maximize profits.
  • GoHighLevel’s tools empower businesses to take control of their own marketing efforts; providing them with the knowledge and insight they need to increase their revenue and gain a competitive edge.
  • 1. Improve productivity: By allowing you to quickly and easily create high-quality content, and streamlining your marketing efforts under one roof GoHighLevel can help you become more productive.
    2. Save time and money: Rather than having to hire a marketing team or buy multiple software per month, you can use GoHighLevel to take care of all your creative needs quickly and easily in one place.
    3. Get better results Faster: Quality is essential for success in today's online marketplace - with GoHighLevel, you'll be able to produce top-notch marketing that will help you stand out from the competition.
    4. Get started quickly and easily: You don't need any special skills or experience to start using GoHighLevel - it's easy to get up and running in just minutes with 100's of plug-and-play templates and snapshots.

More Reasons:

1. Stay ahead of the curve with Gohighlevel's innovative features and updates
2. Get more done in less time with Gohighlevel's powerful tools
3. Easily find information with Gohighlevel's user-friendly search bar

  • Continuously Innovating and hard to keep up with all the new features
  • Slight learning curve if you are not tech-savvy
  • May be expensive for some new entrepreneurs 
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Where Clickfunnels stops, GoHighlevel picks up

With the ability to automate all your sales and marketing tasks, GoHighlevel is the only tool you need to take your business to the next level.

Landing pages & Funnel builder

The funnel builder is one of the most powerful features of GoHighlevel. With it, you can easily create marketing funnels to grow your business. Plus, they offer a free 14-day trial so you can try it before you commit.

Benefits of using a sales funnel

Sales funnels are a great way to grow your business by automating your sales and marketing tasks. With a sales funnel, you can easily create marketing campaigns to promote your products or services.

Plus, you can track the results of your campaigns to see how they're performing. This helps you to optimize your campaigns and get the most out of them.

Some of the benefits of using a sales funnel in your business include:

1. Increased sales: A sales funnel can help you to increase your sales by automating your sales and marketing tasks.

2. Easier lead generation: With a sales funnel, you can easily generate leads by promoting your products or services.

3. Better customer relationships: A sales funnel can help you to manage your customer relationships better by providing you with valuable insights into your customers’ needs and wants.

Go High-Level CRM and Pipeline Management

The Platform offers a high-level CRM. This is a feature that allows Go High-level to stand out from the crowd. Some sales funnels are not included in email marketing systems.

Go High-level does include CRM functionality, but it also provides an innovative tool for managing and developing clients. I'm intrigued by the fact that this tool is designed to work with both SaaS and non-SaaS businesses.


E-mail, texts, and phone calls are all examples of outbound activities that make up a campaign. The term "campaigns" refers to locations where the outbound operations include e-mails, texts, and phone calls.

The first step in a marketing campaign is to set a time limit for sending marketing emails over a given period for each contact. The second step is to determine the number of contacts that should receive the e-mail message.

The next thing to consider is what type of content will be sent in each marketing email. After those decisions are made, it's time for campaign creation.

The most important part of any marketing campaign is measuring results so you can optimize and improve your campaigns. Go High-level makes it easy to track your campaign results with their built-in reporting tools.

With these reports, you can see how many contacts received your campaign, how many people opened and clicked on your links, and what kind of ROI you're getting from your campaigns.


Text messages, or SMS (short message service), and MMS (multimedia messaging service) are two types of text messaging.

SMS is the most basic type of text messaging, while MMS allows you to send images, videos, and other media files.

You can use Go High-level's built-in SMS/MMS messaging to send text messages to your contacts. To do this, simply create a new campaign and select SMS/MMS as your campaign type.

Then, enter the phone numbers of the contacts you want to message and compose your message. Once you're done, hit send and your message will be on its way!

With Go High-level's SMS/MMS messaging, you can easily keep in touch with your contacts and stay top of mind.

Plus, you can track the results of your messages so you know how well they're performing.

Voicemail drops

A voice mail drops is a pre-recorded message that you can send to your contacts. Voicedrops are a great way to stay in touch with your contacts without having to actually talk to them.

To create a voice drop, simply record your message using Go High-level's built-in recorder. Then, select the contacts you want to send your voice drop to and hit send. That's it! Your message will be on its way.

With Go High-level's voice drops feature, you can easily stay in touch with your contacts without having to actually talk to them.

Plus, you can track the results of your messages so you know how well they're performing.

Two-way Calling and Texting

Go High-level's two-way calling and texting features allow you to call and text your contacts directly from the app.

To do this, simply create a new campaign and select two-way calling or texting as your campaign type. Then, enter the phone numbers of the contacts you want to call or text and compose your message.

Once you're done, hit send and your message will be on its way!

With Go High-level's two-way calling and texting, you can easily keep in touch with your contacts and stay top of mind. Plus, you can track the results of your messages so you know how well they're performing.

Email Automation

Email automation is a process whereby emails are automatically sent to contacts according to predetermined criteria.

For example, you can set up an email automation campaign to send a welcome email to new contacts when they're added to your contact list.

Go High-level makes it easy to automate your email campaigns. To do this, simply create a new campaign and select email automation as your campaign type.

Then, choose the criteria for your campaign and compose your message. Once you're done, hit send and your campaign will be up and running!

With Go High-level's email automation, you can easily keep in touch with your contacts and stay top of mind.

Plus, you can track the results of your messages so you know how well they're performing.


The most important part of any marketing campaign is measuring results so you can optimize and improve your campaigns. Go High-level makes it easy to track your campaign results with their built-in reporting tools.

With these reports, you can see how many contacts received your campaign, how many people opened and clicked on your links, and what kind of ROI you're getting from your campaigns.

Is email, SMS and voice calls included in the price?

No, you need to purchase and use your own accounts.

You can use Twilio accounts as voice and SMS messaging services and if you use any other services like SendGrid, MailGun SendingBlue for e-mail.

Smart lists

Smart lists can be extremely useful for organizing contacts, updating them dynamically if required, and triggering actions only for contacts in a smart list.

These lists enable you to filter contacts based on several available parameters and copy them into separate lists. For instance, you could create a smartphone directory with no email and only phone numbers on the phone.

All contact names and phone numbers are automatically updated when contact names have not been changed or an e-mail is sent.

Automation can occur via text messages or telephone calls asking for an individual's address on the list.

Reputation management

Reviews help businesses gain visibility on Google. High Level allows for extremely easy review production and sends customers feedback requests within a specified time frame. This helps you rank higher on Google with their review requests feature and will ultimately help you create more revenue!

It integrates easily with accounting software and provides excellent flexibility. The company's website includes a widget that pulls out reviews by Google or Facebook.

There are certain conditions regarding how many minimum stars is permitted to appear.

Start using Go High-level CRM today to help manage your customer relationships. With its built-in features, you can easily keep track of your contacts, automate your email campaigns, and measure your results.

Plus, its smart lists and reputation management tools make it easy to stay organized and top of mind.

Social Posting

A new feature just dropped social posting to Facebook, Facebook Groups, Instagram, Google My Business, and WordPress. They are currently working on Twitter and Linkedin.

This is a great way to post content and drive traffic back to your website or blog. You can also use this feature to create awareness for an event or promotion you're running.

This feature is amazing and I love how GHL comes with a built-in social media management tool as an extra bonus. 

To get started, simply create a new campaign and select social posting as your campaign type. Then, choose the platform you want to post on and compose your message.

Automated Messaging

With automated messaging, you can easily send messages to your contacts without having to manually type out each message.

This is a great way to stay in touch with your contacts and keep them updated on your latest product or service.

Setup is easy, simply create a new campaign and select automated messaging as your campaign type. Then, choose the criteria for your message and compose your message.

Once you're done, hit send and your message will be sent out automatically when the trigger happens!

Call Tracking

This will help us track and gather call statistics to find out if a campaign is getting more leads. High level provides such capabilities, making it hard to use third-party apps like CallRail.

A missed call trigger is possible, which will automatically send text messages to clients who miss calls from prospective customers.

Facebook messenger ad campaigns

High Level offers automated messaging with both text messaging and voice calling. These features have not yet appeared in other CRMs.

You need a Facebook account or Messenger account to setup follow-up sequences. It is not as robust as the simplest chatbot platform like Manychat or Chatfueled. It is merely another nice extra feature covering basic features.


The number of integrated system integration tools available may be crucial or deadly. Fortunately, as well as numerous native integrations, HighLevel provides a well-tested Zapier connection that allows integration with nearly any app.

High Level is integrated with Yext Listings. It's great to easily update the contact details of local businesses across all the channels/directories with which the company works.

Adding links to websites improves search engine rankings for local businesses. They serve the function of supplying backlinks to local business websites that greatly increase search engine optimization.

GoHighLevel Help & Support

High-level service was the most efficient I have encountered from a SAAS company services department. They offer an abundance of document help with navigating.

The support staff is extremely friendly and easily accessible. We can go into support channels. The help center provides a quick way to find the most comprehensive knowledge base which explains the technical support documentation & videos with detailed tutorials.

The video shows how to do things to get started. Alternatively, you can start an online discussion with their community of gohighlevel experts.

Recently they started offering 24/7 live chat support with an average 7 min wait time!

The GoHighLevel CRM App (White label mobile app)

It is feasible to download the GoHighLevel mobile app for iOS and Android. To do so, log in to your desktop and download the program.

The subaccounts you can use to access your account on this application are comparable to those on a PC. This free software has excellent branding and is available free of charge.

Some users would want to upgrade the free version of Lead Connector to ensure that their customers are unaware of you using GHL. Your app might be created by a business or a client, but it will set you back $495 per month.

How much does it cost? Gohighlevel Pricing Breakdown.

Single site plans The agency starter plan is 97 dollars and, as its name suggests, may only be used for single locations.

Agency unlimited plans cost $297 per month and allow for a wide array of location services for free.

Agency plans give you the best possible service for your clients at multiple locations.

Unlimited Accounts and Domains, Funnels, Sub accounts, Members, and a white-label desktop app included.

There also exists a white-label SAAS Mode plan which adds $497 to agency packages, which is $797 per month.

It also includes Zapier’s bespoke app and custom zaps to match the brand of your brand.

Service can include a HIPPA audit by High-Level Teams for a separate charge if necessary.

It's possible to download the GoHighLevel app on iOS and Android. Download and log in to your desktop.

The subaccounts you have available for logging into are similar to on the desktop. This application is released free of charge and has high-quality branding.


Various changes to the product are regularly added. Although the company was well established and its developers, a great deal of work could overwhelm its users.

The support staff is handling the load admirably, but it would be nice to have a more user-friendly interface. (they are continuously updating)

The number of features available may also intimidate some users who are new to CRMs.

The interface could be streamlined for a more user-friendly experience. Some customers may have a learning curve if they are not familiar with computers.

All in all, we believe that gohighlevel is a powerful CRM with great potential. The company is continuing to improve its product and pricing structure. We recommend gohighlevel for businesses of all sizes who are looking for an affordable, comprehensive CRM solution.

High-level offers a free 14-day trial so that you can explore the features and determine if it's the right fit for your business needs.

Signup Process

The registration procedure was quite straightforward and required only basic data. There are some built-in setting options available for an extra fee and can be useful in many agencies without much time and effort to learn this tool.

Once you have finished your application, please sign up for our Facebook support group. Overall, it was very easy to sign up.

Best High-Level Alternatives

  • Kartra
  • ActiveCampaign
  • Clickfunnels
  • Instapage and Unbounce

How is GoHighlevel Different?

The CRM offers maximum scalacility for all marketing activities. WHITELABEL IT allows you to seamlessly integrate your agency's branding into your marketing suite on your own domain!

Clients are helped in retaining their employment by this. High-end solutions are available for your organization. You're probably aware that full-native features suites always win over many limited integrations.

The company offers a wide variety of features, including:

  • Marketing Agency management
  • Client management
  • Lead capture and follow up
  • Marketing automation
  • Sales automation
  • Funnel tracking and analysis
  • Membership sites
  • SMS Marketing
  • Survey Builder
  • Landing page builder & Free invoicing tools

Plus so many Different tools!

The Pricing is NOT based on the number of contacts in your database, which is AMAZING!

If you want to try it out, we've created the button above so that when you sign up using it you can access all our templates, builds, tutorials and training

Alternatively, a GoHigh Level team member will contact you for an on-site training session to start.

You need to get a 14-day FREE trial. Go high Level offers a variety of free tools to help businesses save time and earn money. The following image shows everything GoHighlevel replace. Aside from this graph, there are other important things about Gohighlevel.

But what really differentiates them is customer service and affiliate programs

Clickfunnels support is extremely poor (which we knew since we were users for the past 4 years). Aside from these factors, GoHigh is a highly-rated business with excellent staff.


Clickfunnels affiliate program offers you a huge opportunity to earn an additional 40% after you have done the training and signed up 20 members. GoHighlevel gives 40% right away and the affiliate program was very easy to sign up for without jumping through hoops.

How do we use GoHighLevel for our clients?

Our goal is to provide prepaid appointments with 3 to 1 return. How we do this with our clients goes with exactly what we do with our company.

There's a big difference in scheduling – Prepaid – we use Stripe to manage our calendar and pay for it when it's booked. We've built the campaign to be activated - SMS and eMail were used to launch the initiative.

The reactivation campaign is intended to help us achieve our monthly sales and appointment targets.

We work the lead, follow up and nurture them before selling them, provide sales training and follow up when the lead is completed by using a variety of methods until their pain points are addressed.

FAQ's about Gohighlevel

Is GoHighLevel a CRM?

Yes, GoHighLevel is a CRM software that helps businesses manage their customer relationships.

What is go HighLevel used for?

GoHighLevel is used for a variety of things, such as lead capture, follow up, marketing automation, sales automation, funnel tracking and analysis, membership management, SMS marketing, survey builder, landing page builder, and more.

How much does go HighLevel cost?

The pricing for GoHighLevel starts at $97 per month. $297 a month for the agency unlimited plan.

Additional $497 a month for SAAS Mode.

Who was high-level built for?

Sales teams and Marketing teams that are looking for a way to automate their processes and workflows.

Conclusion on Gohighlevel

Gohighlevel is an all-in-one sales and marketing solution that offers a wide variety of features to help businesses save time and earn money. The pricing is very reasonable, starting at $97 per month, and the company offers a 14-day free trial.

Go high level also has an affiliate program where you can earn an additional 40% commission on sales. You can join in the conversations here.

We highly recommend gohighlevel for businesses of all sizes. Thanks for reading! Hope this helped. :)

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can contact us directly and we'll be happy to help! :)


P.S. If you're interested in trying out gohighlevel, we've created a special sign-up link that will give you access to all our templates, builds, tutorials, and training. Just click here to get started! :) Thanks again! :)"

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers. We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value, and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs, or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Sound fair enough? We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings - all numbers are illustrative only. These results are not typical or guaranteed But Jonathan Blake LLC Will do everything in its power to help you achieve your true potential.Disclosure: I am an independent Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from each product we promote. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of Any company besides Jonathan Blake LLC.