37 Marketing Ideas to Boost Revenue for Local Service-Based Businesses

37 Marketing Ideas to Boost Revenue for Local Service-Based Businesses

Do you want to develop marketing strategies for your local service-based company to increase revenue and development?

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Are you looking for marketing ideas to help boost revenue and growth for your local service-based business? If so, you're in luck! In this blog post, we will discuss 25 different marketing strategies that you can use to get the word out about your business. Many of these ideas are low-cost or even free, so they are a great option for businesses on a tight budget.

Effective local marketing ideas: advertising

Small businesses should consider advertising on social media before spending money on other digital platforms. Advertising on social media helps boost brand awareness, which leads directly to increased sales. Businesses should use mobile apps to increase engagement, and convert those visitors into customers.

1. Run Google Ads

Google Ads is one of the most popular advertising platforms used today. However, it does come with some challenges. In this video, we'll show you how to set up and manage ad campaigns effectively. We'll also cover important topics such as keyword research, bidding strategies, ad extensions, and much more.


Pro Tip: Use LSA's

Taking advantage of Google's Local Service Ads (LSA) is a great way to generate more business for your company. With this service, you only pay for booked estimates or appointments, so you don't have to worry about wasting money on people who may not follow through. Plus, Google's AI does all the hard work of targeting and optimizing your campaigns — so it can save you time as well as money! By leveraging the power of Google LSA's, you can maximize your marketing efficiency and get more customers with fewer resources.


2. Set up detailed radius location targeting in Google Ads

Google AdWords offers three different types of targeting options: broad match, phrase match, and exact match. These are great features because they help you target keywords that are most relevant to your campaigns. However, there are times when you want to reach people who live close to a particular store, restaurant, or attraction. This type of targeting is known as radius targeting.

Radius targeting lets advertisers set a maximum number of miles around a given address. If someone searches for "barbecue restaurants near me," you might want to show ads for barbecue restaurants that are located nearby. You could do this manually, but it’s easier to use Google’s tools to automate the process.

Here’s what you need to know about setting up radius targeting:

• When searching for radius targets, make sure you include the city name. For example, if you wanted to find barbecue restaurants in New York City, you’d enter "New York City barbeque."

• To start, select the radius option under the Targeting tab. Then choose whether you want to use the default radius or specify custom values.

• Next, add the addresses where you want to display your ad. Simply copy and paste the street address into the text box.

• Finally, decide how many miles away from each address you want to display your ads. Enter the value here and hit Save.

3. Run local Facebook Ads

Running local Facebook Ads will help you drive traffic back to your website. You can target people within 50 miles of your location, which makes it easier to connect with potential customers. Local Facebook Ads are also cheaper than national ones, which makes it possible to run multiple campaigns throughout the year.

People like to share things on social media, which helps build brand recognition. When someone shares something about your brand, it gives your business exposure to a wider audience.

4. Show approximate distance from your store in your mobile social ads

Local businesses have an advantage over big brand names since they can't afford creating hyperlocal ads. They are limited by how much money they can spend on advertising, and what type of audience they want to target. But local businesses still have one thing that national brands don't have - the ability to show where you're located. This allows customers to find out exactly where they can go to buy your product.

Include your zip code in the advertisement title or headline. If you use Facebook Ads Manager, you can set up location targeting based on ZIP codes. You'll see the exact number of people within a certain radius of your store.

5. Build custom landing pages for every campaign

Conversion tracking is one of those things you just know how to do without really thinking about it. You set up a goal, write down what needs to happen, and then wait to see whether people are doing it. But there’s a lot more to it than that. Conversion tracking is a crucial part of digital marketing because it helps you understand what works and doesn’t work for your audience. If you want to make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck, you need to figure out exactly what makes each piece of content successful.

The best way to learn is to test different versions of your campaigns. This lets you see what changes actually affect conversions—and which ones don’t. For example, you might find that changing the headline on a blog post leads to better click-through rates. Or maybe adding a call-to-action button increases conversion rates. Whatever the case, once you’ve tested multiple variations, you can start optimizing based on data rather than guesswork.

You can use tools like CrazyEgg, HotJar, and Unbounce to help you measure conversion rates. These platforms let you compare different versions of your site, and show you where improvements need to be made. Once you’ve figured out what works, you can replicate it across your entire site.

If you’re looking for inspiration, check out our guide to creating killer landing pages. We cover everything from choosing a topic to writing copy to design graphics. And we even include some ideas for testing different types of landing pages.

6. Use remarketing to generate reviews

Remarketing allows you to reach out to people who visited your site in the past. If someone hasn’t left a product review, it makes sense to try to convince him/her to do so. You can use remarketing to target those visitors who haven’ t left a review yet, and ask them to complete one. This way, you can increase your conversion rates.

Set up a confirmation page where customers can enter their email address and receive a link to confirm their request. After confirming their email address, you can send them a reminder about your offer. In addition, you can include a button to leave a product review.

Create a simple display ad that contains a button to leave a customer review. Include a call to action like "Leave a Review," "Write Your Opinion," or "Tell Us What You Think."

7. Try third-person ad copy instead of talking about yourself

Third-person ad copy works better because it allows brands to talk about themselves without sounding like self-promotion. It also gives readers a chance to learn more about your brand and product. Here are some examples of how to write effective third-person ad copy:

• "The world's most popular dog food."

• "A great gift idea for anyone who loves dogs."

• "Get ready for a night of fun with our party games."

• "We make sure every customer gets the best experience possible."

• "Our products are designed to help people live healthier lives."

• "You'll love our easy-to-use software."

8. Leverage call-only ads

Call-only ads are a great way to reach out to prospects who already know what they want. These ads allow businesses to connect with people who are interested in buying without having to spend money on an expensive advertising campaign.

You can use this type of ad to find leads, generate sales, increase conversion rates, and build relationships. Here are some tips to help you make the most of call-only ads.

1. Target the right audience

Make sure you target the right audiences. If you run a B2C business, it might be best to focus on consumers. If you sell products, try targeting small businesses.

2. Write compelling ad text

When writing your ad text, keep it short and sweet. Try to avoid long paragraphs. Don't include too many keywords because it'll look spammy. Instead, write something that makes sense to the reader.

3. Include a phone number

Effective local marketing ideas: listings

Review sites and directory sites are great places to list your business online. They give you credibility and visibility in your industry. These sites are used by consumers to research products and services before making purchases. By listing on review sites and directories, you are giving potential clients access to information about your business. This increases customer engagement and gives you another way to generate leads.

Monitoring your listing will help ensure it stays active on review sites. If your listing gets flagged or removed, you will want to make sure that you update your profile accordingly. You don't want to lose your spot on review sites because you didn't keep up with changes.

10. Get listed

If you're looking for ways to boost your local business listings, here are 10 tips to keep in mind.

1. Do your research. Find out what keywords people are searching for in your area. This way, you'll know what terms to include in your description and location tags. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find popular searches related to your business.

2. Include a map. A map helps potential customers see where your store is located, making it easier for them to find. If possible, add a photo of your storefront too.

3. Use photos. Photos make your listing look more appealing, and they give visitors a better idea of what your business looks like.

4. Add a phone number. Having a physical address isn't enough anymore. People want to contact businesses via phone, email, chat,

etc. So, make sure you provide one.

5. Tell your story. Your bio is another great place to tell your story. Share why your business exists and how it makes a difference.

6. Offer specials. Let customers know about special promotions and discounts you offer.

11. Prioritize your Google business listing, in particular

A Google Business profile gives you lots of information about your business, including hours of operation, contact info, location, reviews, photos, videos, and even directions. You can use it to find new customers, make sure potential clients know where to go, and post specials.

Your Google Business account helps you reach out to new customers and keep existing ones happy. With your Google My Business dashboard, you can manage everything from customer feedback to inventory and delivery times. And you can add multiple locations and edit your address, phone number, and hours of operation.

Local searches are important for any local business. If people are searching for your business name locally, chances are they already know what they want. So why not show up in the search results? Optimizing your Google Places page makes it easier for people to find your business. Plus, you can include maps, photos, ratings, and reviews to help people decide whether or not to stop by.

13. Optimize your Google Business Profile

Google My Business is a free tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence and interact directly with customers. In addition to creating a basic profile, it allows you to add contact info, upload images, set up events, and respond to customer reviews. You can even see what people are saying about your business on Google Maps.

If you haven't already done so, make sure you sign up for a Google Account. This will allow you to access your Google My Business profile from anywhere. If you're planning to use Google Analytics, you'll want to link your accounts together.

Click "Add a New Location." Enter your address and select whether you'd like to offer directions, hours, phone numbers, etc. Next, choose a category for your business. For example, if you sell pizza, you might opt to enter "pizza," "restaurant," or something else entirely. Then, fill out the rest of the form. Finally, click "Save & Continue."

Now, let's talk about how to optimize your Google My Business profile. First, take some pictures of your storefront, interior, exterior, logo, menu items, etc. There are lots of ways to do this, including taking photos with your smartphone or camera, scanning documents, or uploading existing photos. Once you've taken the shots, make sure they're high quality.

Next, write down a few words describing your business. Include things such as your name, location, type of business, special offers, and anything else you think is important. Also, don't forget to include a description of your business. This helps potential customers find you easily.

Finally, review your listing. Look for errors such as misspelled names, incorrect addresses, missing categories, incomplete descriptions, and outdated photos. Fixing these issues will help Google understand your business better.

14. Monitor and maintain your directory listings

Google My Business is one of the most important tools for local businesses. It allows customers to find your business easily online and offline. If it isn't listed correctly, it could impact your ability to attract new customers. Here are some tips to help you make sure your listing is accurate and up to date. First, verify your address. You'll want to double check the street name, number, city, state, zip code, and county. Next, review your phone number. Verify that it matches the area code and exchange prefixes. Finally, confirm that your hours of operation, opening days and closing days match those displayed on your site.

Next, monitor customer feedback. This includes reviews left on Google Maps, ratings, and comments posted on social media. Respond quickly to negative reviews and complaints. When someone leaves a comment on Google, look out for red flags like spelling errors, typos, grammatical mistakes, and missing information such as contact info. Fixing small issues now will prevent larger problems later.

Finally, use Google My Business regularly. Check your listing every day to see if anything needs updating. For example, if you're adding a new product or changing prices, update your listing immediately. Once you've updated everything, submit your changes. You can do this manually or use the automated tool. Either way, don't forget to save your edits.

15. Encourage reviews

Reviews are one of the most powerful forms of online marketing today. They help people make purchasing decisions, and they give companies a way to improve their reputation. In fact, according to Forrester Research, 92% of consumers say they read customer reviews before buying something.

But how do you encourage customers to write reviews about your brand? Here are some tips:

1. Make it easy for customers to review your products and services.

2. Provide incentives for positive reviews.

3. Use social media to promote your reviews program.

4. Offer rewards for good reviews.

5. Create a system where customers can easily submit reviews.

Effective local marketing ideas: local SEO

Local SEO is about making sure that your listing information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. This includes things like address, hours, contact info, etc. If you do not include enough information, it could prevent people from finding you online.

Using local keywords will increase your chance of appearing in the map packs. You want to make sure that you are including your city name and state in the keyword list. Also, make sure that your phone number is correct.

Make sure your phone number is included in your listings. There is no reason why someone searching for you should ever call your office number.

17. Create service area hubs and individual location pages to boost rankings

Google loves local businesses that are well-organized and provide great customer experiences. They want to show up in searches for nearby places like restaurants, hotels, gas stations, etc. So how do you make sure you rank highly for those queries? You start by creating a unique service page for each neighborhood you serve. This way, you can include the location name in your top navigation bar, improve your internal linking structure, and even add a map to your site. Here’s what else you need to know about optimizing for local search.

18. Add relevant local info to your location pages using Wikipedia

Wikipedia is one of the most popular sources of information online. If you want to make sure that people can find your local business easily, it makes sense to add some useful data to your listing. You might even consider adding a map. Here are some tips on how to use Wikipedia to help improve your local listings.

Local marketing ideas: social media

Social media is an effective way for small businesses to connect with customers and potential clients. Whether you're looking to build brand awareness, increase traffic, or just make sure you don't miss out on important customer information, there are plenty of ways to use social media to help grow your business.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Youtube, etc. are all great places to promote your local businesses, whether it's a restaurant, salon, barbershop, nail salon, florist shop, hair stylist, car wash, auto repair shop, real estate agent, dentist, doctor, lawyer, accountant, chiropractor, veterinarian, insurance agency, mortgage broker, funeral home, or anything else.

19. Promote your latest customer reviews on Facebook

Facebook allows businesses to promote their most recent customer reviews on their profile. This feature lets you show off your positive reputation and encourage people to check out your products and services. If you want to use this tool effectively, it helps to know how to make the most of it. Read our guide to learn about the benefits of promoting customer reviews on Facebook, along with some tips to help you do it well.

92% of consumers now read online reviews.

Online reviews are important to consumers. 92% of people trust online reviews, according to a study conducted by BrightLocal. This number is up from 77% in 2016. And it’s even higher among millennials — 93% of those surveyed believe online reviews are very influential.

In fact, nearly half of shoppers say they would never buy something without reading online reviews first. So why do we still rely on word-of-mouth recommendations? Because customers don’t always know how trustworthy a review is. In fact, many fake reviews exist. A recent survey found that one third of companies had been targeted by fake reviews.

So, how does a brand combat fake reviews? With Facebook ads. Businesses use Facebook ads to target potential customers based on demographics, location, interests, and behaviors. For example, you could advertise to someone who lives near a restaurant you want to promote. Or, you could show a specific ad to someone who likes pizza.

Facebook allows brands to target audiences across multiple platforms. You can choose whether to focus on mobile devices, desktop computers, tablets, or both. If you decide to run a campaign on Facebook, you can set daily budgets and pay per click prices.

Another option is to partner with a marketing agency that specializes in paid advertising. These agencies typically offer packages that include everything from creative design to analytics tracking. They often work closely with clients to ensure campaigns are successful.

And finally, there’s the old-fashioned way — word-of-mouth referrals. Ask friends and family members to spread the word about your product or service. But remember, just because a friend recommends a product doesn’t mean she’ll actually buy it. To increase sales conversion rates, ask your customer advocates to tell their friends and followers about your business.

20. Run a contest or giveaway

A lot of people think giveaways are just about giving stuff away for free. But there’s much more to it than that. In fact, running a giveaway or contest helps you build customer loyalty, increase sales conversions, and generate leads. Here are some tips on how you can use giveaways and contests effectively to boost your business.

1. Make sure you know what you want out of the giveaway

Before you start planning your giveaway, make sure you understand why you want to run one. What do you hope to achieve? Do you want to promote a specific product or service? Or maybe you want to reward customers for being loyal to your brand? Whatever your goals are, make sure you set them clearly so you don't end up wasting money on things that won't work.

2. Pick a prize that fits your needs

When choosing a prize, consider what your target audience wants. If you're offering a prize that appeals to everyone, you'll probably attract too many entrants. On the other hand, if you offer a prize that's exclusive to one group within your audience, you might find that fewer people enter. This doesn't mean you shouldn't offer prizes to everyone; it simply means you need to choose carefully.

3. Set rules for the contest

If you plan to run a giveaway, you need to decide whether you want to limit entries to certain groups or individuals, or allow anyone to participate. You could also specify how long the contest runs for, and what happens once it ends. For example, you could say that the winner gets a gift card worth $100, while runners-up receive a discount voucher worth $50.

21. Automate your social media to join in on conversations in your shop

Automation makes it easier to manage your social media presence. You don't have to spend hours every day posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. With automation, you can easily schedule posts ahead of time. If someone asks a question on Twitter, you can respond automatically. You can even automate your responses to comments on your blog.

This tool helps you to connect to your audience through social media, while providing a human touch. When someone leaves a comment on your site, you can reply directly to them. Or, if someone mentions your brand name on social media, you can send out a tweet thanking them for mentioning your business.

22. Use Facebook events

Facebook Events are one way you can use social media to connect with your customers. They let you organize and schedule special events like concerts, parties, meetings, and workshops. You can invite friends and family to join your event, and even send invitations directly to groups and businesses. If someone RSVPs "yes," it tells you whether they're coming or not. And you can see exactly how many attendees are planning to come.

You can set up a Facebook Event Page where you post information about your event, including the date and time, location, and what guests are invited. You can also add photos and videos of the venue, food, drinks, decorations, activities, and anything else that might help guests decide whether to attend.

Once you've scheduled your event, you'll want to make sure everyone knows about it. Send out invites to your personal network, ask your fans to share the event on their timeline, and encourage your followers to check out the event page.

If you'd rather just keep things simple, you can always simply post a status update announcing the event. Just make sure to include the correct hashtags (#hashtag), and tag anyone who might want to know about the event.

23. Post in Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are great places to connect with others who share common interests. They're like virtual coffee shops where you can meet up with friends, discuss topics, and exchange ideas. If you've ever posted something in a public forum and received a bunch of comments, it was probably because someone shared your post in a group. This is how social media marketing works. You start a conversation about a topic and people respond.

Posting in Facebook Groups helps you build relationships with people who might become future customers. When you comment on a post, you're essentially saying "I'm interested in what you just wrote." And since most people use Facebook to keep tabs on what their friends are doing, they'll see your comment and think "Hey, I know this person!"

You can even join groups based on specific products or industries. For example, there are groups for dog lovers, foodies, and fitness buffs. These groups are perfect for finding out what types of products and services people want to buy. By joining a group, you gain access to a wealth of information about potential customers' needs.

If you don't have enough time to participate in every discussion, you can still engage in conversations and share relevant information by commenting on posts. People appreciate hearing different perspectives and opinions, especially if those viewpoints align with their own. So, make sure to add value to the discussions by adding your thoughts and insights.

Don't forget to include links back to the original post whenever possible. If you link to another article, blog post, product review, or anything else, make sure to mention that it came from your Facebook Page. This way, people will know that you're affiliated with the brand and trust that you're providing quality content.

24. Use location tags

Location tags are important for local searches because they allow people to find your business near where they live or travel. If a person types in "pizza," for example, it makes sense that they want to see pizza places nearby. So, use location tags like "pizza restaurants near me." This way, people searching for pizza can easily find your business.

To add location tags to your site, go to Google My Business and select Edit Profile. Then, scroll down to the Locations section and enter information about your business. You can choose whether or not to show your address, phone number, hours of operation, and photos.

25. Use local hashtags

Local hashtags are great tools to improve your visibility on Twitter. They allow people to find businesses near them based on what they're searching for. If you want to make sure your customers see your tweets, it makes sense to add your city, state, or county to your profile. You can do this by adding #yourcity to your handle, or #yourstate to your bio. This way, you'll show up in searches related to those topics.

If you don't know where to start, try looking up popular hashtags in your area. For example, if you live in New York City, you could look up #nyc, #newyork, #brooklyn, etc. Once you've found some good ones, just copy/paste them into your profile.

26. Connect with local influencers

Local influencers are often trusted members of their communities, making them an effective way to spread the word about your brand. They are often willing to give you things in return for exposure, such as promoting your product or giving away samples. If you want to connect with local influencers, consider offering them something free to build trust. You might even offer a contest where people can win prizes.

Effective local marketing ideas: in the community

The best way to market locally is to make it easy for people to find you. This includes having a physical address, being listed in online directories, and offering discounts or freebies to encourage people to come see what you have to offer. You can use social media to promote yourself too, especially Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

27. Become a local sponsor

Sponsoring a local sports team can help increase brand awareness and boost customer loyalty. A study found that consumers are willing to pay more for products associated with their favorite teams. In fact, fans are willing to spend $1.5 billion annually on merchandise related to their favorite teams.

Local businesses should consider sponsoring events such as fundraisers and festivals. These types of sponsorships can boost sales and generate positive word-of-mouth marketing. For example, a local restaurant might partner with a festival for a food truck event. This type of sponsorship can lead to increased traffic and social media buzz.

28. Do some volunteer work in your local community

Volunteerism is one of the best ways to give back to the world and improve yourself. There are many opportunities out there where you can help others and make a difference. Here are 28 great reasons why volunteering is important:

1. You’ll meet new friends.

2. You’ll build skills and experience.

3. You’ll boost your self-confidence.

4. You’ll gain knowledge.

5. You’ll increase your social circle.

6. You’ll save money.

30. Form a local partnership

Partnering with another local business is a great way to boost your bottom line. In fact, research suggests that partnering with other companies increases sales, builds trust, creates loyalty, and even improves customer satisfaction. But it takes work—and sometimes a lot of work. So how do you go about forming a successful partnership? Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your relationship.

1. Find common ground.

The best partnerships start with shared goals. You might want to collaborate on a marketing campaign, launch a joint product, or host a special event together. Or maybe you're looking to expand into a different market. Whatever the case, figure out what you have in common and focus on those areas.

2. Get to know one another.

Once you've found common ground, take advantage of opportunities to spend quality time together. Build a rapport with your partners by getting to know them well. Ask questions about their lives and interests, and listen carefully. This helps you understand where they're coming from and find ways to connect.

3. Make sure everyone knows what they're doing.

If you're partnering with multiple people, ensure that everyone understands his or her role in the project. If there's a specific task that needs to be done, assign roles to each person involved. For example, if you're launching a new product, you'll probably want to assign responsibilities to the marketing team, engineering department, operations team, and legal team.

32. Build guides for local activities & promote them

Promoted posts are great for driving traffic back to your site. They work best for local businesses who want people to know about upcoming events, special offers, and other things happening around town. You can use promoted posts to highlight your most popular blog posts, videos, images, podcasts, and even YouTube channels.

Local businesses should create guides like this to fill out their social networks. These guides can include everything you do locally — from what makes your city unique to how to find good deals on food and drinks. This way, your audiences won't have to go searching for it. Instead, they'll see it all in one place.

More local marketing ideas

Encouraging word-of-mouth helps boost a local reputation. In fact, it’s one of the most powerful ways to promote your brand locally. But what do you say about your local business? How do you encourage people to talk about your brand? There are many ways to go about doing this. Here are some tips.

  • Package a good offer into a Shareable Email or Post. This will help increase local reach.
  • Create a Local Event. People love events. They bring out the best in everyone. If you want to attract attention, host a party or event. You might even consider hosting a contest where winners receive prizes like gift cards.
  • Offer a Discount. A discount offers a great incentive to customers. Offer something special to entice them to spread the word. For example, if you sell clothing, give away free t-shirts. Or maybe you could bundle products together and offer a deal.
  • Give Away Free Stuff. Everyone loves free stuff. Give away free samples of your product. Maybe even throw in a few extras. Just make sure that you don’t overdo it. Don’t give away too much, or else you risk losing potential clients.
  • Provide Customer Service. Customers appreciate when businesses take the time to listen to their concerns and address their questions. Make sure that you respond quickly to customer inquiries. And don’t forget to thank them for sharing their feedback.
  • Ask for Reviews. Ask current customers to review your business online. Provide a link to a form where they can submit reviews. Then, monitor those reviews closely. Respond promptly to negative reviews. Thank reviewers for taking the time to write a review.

33. Create seasonal content

Seasonal content is one of the most effective ways to keep your audience engaged throughout the year. This type of content can be used to highlight upcoming holidays, events, or seasons. Seasonal content can also be used to promote products or services related to certain times of the year. For example, if you sell Christmas trees, you could use seasonal content to highlight holiday decorating tips, gift ideas, or how to choose the perfect tree.

If you want to make sure your seasonal content is successful, it helps to know what types of seasonal content work best for your industry. Here are some examples of seasonal content that might work well for your business.

Holiday Content:

Holidays bring out the best in people. If you sell gifts, you could use seasonal holiday content to highlight popular items, helpful information about buying presents, or even how to wrap gifts. You could also write articles about holiday traditions, like how to bake cookies during the holidays.

Events Content: Events are another great way to generate seasonal content. If you sell tickets, you could use seasonal event content to highlight special deals, ticket giveaways, or how to plan ahead for big events.

Seasonal Products/Services: If you sell food, clothing, or home goods, you could use seasonal product content to highlight new arrivals, sales promotions, or seasonal trends.

You can find seasonal content templates online, such as this one from HubSpot. These templates usually feature images, text, and graphics. When creating seasonal content, you don’t necessarily need to stick to traditional holiday themes. Try thinking outside the box and come up with unique seasonal content ideas that relate to your business.

34. Offer referral incentives

A referral incentive program helps keep old clients happy while it attracts new ones. However, there are some ways to make sure referrals don't turn into a money pit. Here are three tips for creating a successful referral incentive program.

1. Make it easy for people to refer you.

If you want customers to recommend you to others, you'll need to make it easy for them to do so. This could mean offering discounts to existing customers or giving away freebies like gift cards. You might even consider offering a discount on your products or services to current customers who refer friends.

2. Give them something exclusive or unique. People love getting special perks, especially when they're offered for doing nothing more than referring someone else. For example, you could give a customer a free trial of your product or provide them with a coupon code good for 10% off their next purchase.

3. Don't let referrals become a money pit. If you've got a referral program, you probably already know how hard it is to track down leads. But if you're having trouble keeping up with follow-up emails and phone calls, here are four things you can do to prevent your referral program from turning into a money pit.

• Send personalized messages. When people receive a referral reward, they tend to feel appreciated. So make sure you send a personal email thanking them for their recommendation.

• Keep it simple. If you're trying to encourage referrals, you don't need to complicate things. Be straightforward about what you're asking for and why it matters.

35. Create a “Get Directions” page and set views as a micro-conversion

Google doesn’t provide many metrics about how well your ads perform, but it does offer one metric that can help you understand where you stand. If you want to know what percentage of people who clicked on your paid ads converted into sales, you can use Google Ads Conversion Tracking.

In addition to showing you how much money you spent on advertising, it gives you detailed information about each individual interaction with your ads. For example, it tells you how many people viewed your ad, how long they looked at it, and how many times they clicked on it. You can even see exactly which words they used to find your site.

This data is great because it lets you compare how effective your ads are against those of your competitors. To do this, you’ll need to make sure you’re tracking conversions on your “Get Directions page.”

The “Get Directions“ page is the landing page visitors land on once they’ve clicked on one of your ads. It’s important to note that this isn’t necessarily the same thing as your home page. While some people might think that clicking on an ad leads directly to your homepage, it actually leads to a different page. In fact, it could lead to anywhere on the internet.

If you don’t already have a Get Directions page, you can easily create one using Google Maps or another mapping tool. Once you’ve got it set up, you’ll want to add it as a conversion goal in your Google Analytics account. Then, whenever someone visits your site via an ad, you’ll be able to track how many of them convert.

You can also use this approach to measure your overall performance across multiple campaigns. Simply look at the total number of conversions on your Get Directions page and divide that by the total amount of money you spent on advertising. This will tell you how much of your budget went toward driving traffic and converting customers.

36. Distribute business cards, brochures, and flyers

Business card distribution is a great tool to promote your brand and generate leads. Flyers and brochures are powerful marketing tools to help you reach out to new audiences and convert prospects to customers. In addition to distributing physical copies of your materials, make sure to include a QR code on each one. This allows potential customers to easily scan your material and learn more about your business.

37. Create a Irresistible Offer Your Target Audience

As a local service-based business, you understand the challenges of attracting new customers and keeping your revenue flowing. One of the most effective ways to overcome these challenges is by creating an irresistible offer that your target audience can't refuse. An irresistible offer is a promotion or deal that provides exceptional value to your potential customers, making it compelling for them to choose your business over your competitors.

To create an irresistible offer, consider these tips:

  1. Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience's needs, preferences, and what they are looking for in a local service-based business.
  2. Highlight the Benefits: Clearly communicate the benefits of your offer to your potential customers. What problems does it solve, and how does it make their lives better?
  3. Make it Exclusive: Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity by offering a limited-time deal or a special offer for new customers only.
  4. Keep it Simple: Ensure your offer is easy to understand, simple, and straightforward. Customers should quickly and easily understand and take advantage of it.

By creating an irresistible offer that speaks to your target audience's needs, desires, and preferences, you can drive revenue, attract new customers, and grow your local service-based business.

Ready to create an irresistible offer and boost revenue for your local service-based business? Let's chat! Book a call with us today to learn more about how we can help you craft an effective marketing strategy and create offers that attract and retain customers. Don't wait, schedule your call now!



How do you promote a small service business?


There are a number of ways to promote a small service business:

1. Create a solid online presence - make sure your website is optimized for search engine ranking and that you have a strong social media profile.

2. Use traditional marketing methods - distribute flyers and posters in local areas, take out ads in local newspapers or magazines, and use word-of-mouth marketing to spread the word about your business.

3. Offer incentives - give discounts or special offers to customers who refer new business your way, or offer loyalty rewards for repeat customers.

4. Get involved in the community - participate in local events, sponsor a team or charity, or join


What is local marketing examples?


Local marketing can take many different forms, but some common examples include:

1. Sponsoring local events

2. Advertising in local publications

3. Hosting local workshops or seminars

4. Creating localized versions of your website or online content

5. Optimizing your listing in local directories and search engines

6. Participating in local chamber of commerce or business association events

7. Supporting local charities and causes.


Where can I advertise my service?


To find places to advertise your service, search online for “advertising directories” or “local advertising.” You can also look in the yellow pages under “advertising” or “ad agencies.” Once you find some potential advertising venues, contact them and ask about rates, sizes, and deadlines for placing an ad. Make sure to ask about the venue’s target audience to make sure it’s a good fit for your business. You can also search online for “marketing consultant” or “advertising expert” to get help planning and placing your ads.


How do you find local customers?


There are many ways to find local customers. You can start by asking family and friends if they know anyone in need of your services. You can also search online directories or post flyers in public places. You can also offer discounts or freebies to attract local customers. Whatever method you choose, be sure to let your local community know that you're open for business.

Final Thoughts


Marketing for a local service-based business can be difficult, but it's not impossible. In this article, we've outlined some basic strategies that should help you get started. By using local directories, building relationships with other businesses in your area, and targeting your advertising efforts, you should start to see an increase in business.


One of the best ways to market a local service-based business is to use local directories. These provide an easy way for potential customers to find your business, and they can also help improve your search engine ranking. Make sure to list your business in as many relevant directories as possible.


Building relationships with other businesses in your area is also important. If you can get other businesses to promote your business, it will reach a larger audience and build trust. You can also offer discounts or special deals to customers of those businesses.


Finally, make sure to target your advertising efforts. Don't just advertise in the local paper - try to target specific demographics that are likely to use your services. By using these strategies, you should start to see an increase in business. Let us know how it goes!

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