How I Rank Blog Post With AI - Step By Step Guide(2022)


How I Rank Blog Post With AI - Step By Step Guide(2022)
Jonathan Blake
Content Creator
How I Rank Blog Post With AI - Step By Step Guide(2022)

Are you looking to rank your blog posts? In this video, I'll be talking about a brand new way to rank your blog posts with the help of AI.

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As a business owner, you know that ranking your blog post is essential for traffic and leads. But what if there was an AI-based tool that could help you rank your blog post quickly and easily? Enter is a tool that uses natural language processing (NLP) and AI to help business owners rank their blog posts and optimize their content for search engines.
In this step-by-step guide, I'll show you how to use to quickly and easily rank your blog post.

Here's what we'll cover:

Step 1 Β - How to create long-form content with

Step 2 Β - How to optimize your content for search engines with

Step 3 Β - How to use's NLP capabilities to improve your content

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use to rank your blog post:

  • First, sign up for a free account at
  • will then analyze your blog post and give you a ranking. You can also see how well your blog post is optimized for ranking and what you can do to improve it.
  • Finally, once you're happy with your ranking, you can create long-form content using the "Content Creation" tool. This tool will help you create high-quality, keyword-rich content that will rank well in search engines.

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Intro to


In this video I'm gonna show you exactly how you can use artificial intelligence to help you write blog posts, help you rank and help you get more traffic. Hey, my name is Jonathan and I'm a SEO and a lot of people don't know this, but it's super competitive now with all these media companies pushing out loads of content,but the best way is to fight fire with fire and start using AI and other tools to help you with your content process.

So today I'm going to show you exactly how I'm using artificial intelligence, like and to help me rank my blogs and get more traffic in the process.


Let's jump in.




So the first thing is you want to go AHREFS and obviously find and pick your keywords. I'm doing a lot of Affiliate base. Think top think best, list posts, I am targeting for sales funnels and local businesses. I've been using phrase out IO to push out a lot of content.


So what phrase that I was doing right now, it's scraping the top 20 listings for these keywords, right? So we got HubSpot. So these are all high ranking, domains over here to check that out. And then, so we can actually curate a outline from these other sites.


So we can go through here and we can actually it's start excluding, uh, some of these because they're not relevant. So we started, we excluded these , so we can actually use a content brief here, or a template. what I love about phrase is we can actually start pulling, you know, the H2O H three, is that. Or we can use a AI, brief and for the research. so the outlines over here, and then it's actually has the AI writer.


It's actually, I think it's like 35 extra dollars a month. And then it's got a bunch of different, templates as well. And then you can optimize for the research long-tail topic, top topic, clusters, titles, headers, blacklist. so we're going to do a quick outline here.

‍ Content brief


Alright. We use, content, brief templates. They've got a bunch of different AI contents here as well. So we need to figure out what we are trying to include and exclude. I think these are great, brief, especially if you're outsourcing a lot of content and give somebody a great idea on what they should be writing about and how to do this.


So what I'd like to do is I'd like to get at least a 95% on Grammarly, as well as. A 75 score on the optimize. And the whole goal of this is to explain, what sales funnels are and how local businesses can start making sales funnels or landing pages and boost their conversion rates.


then this blog post is going to lead someone to a free cloneable, landing page or sales funnels. and then I will basically get affiliate revenue from that as well as an email.


And I can retarget these people through email automation is why phrase is doing that. We need to come up with a quick content brief and. We can use phrase and Jasper AI to start pushing out this blog content.


So we're going to take this, target Curry and we're going to go over to Jasper while this is going, and then we're going to do the blog posts workload, and we're going to strive the content that we want. the better, the input that you put into Jasper, the better it'll go.


So Jasper is going to push out a bunch of different titles for us that we can use for our blog posts. I'll look why local businesses should start using landing pages and sales funnels, So my goal is to have 70%, affiliates and offers, information for my blog. And then the other 30% is going to be like how to choose and, information that's helping people. Right. But the whole goal is to lead someone down a series. of information, that'll help them as well , trying to target, local businesses to help them sell, my services as well.


Still a great informational piece of content that I can use, to show off my expertise as well.


So now we've got our title. Now we want Jasper to write our intro paragraph. I think it's crazy how much Jasper can emulate human writing. Let's take this first example. If you're a local business, you know, that it can be tough to compete with the big guys. They have more money to spend on advertising and they can offer lower prices because they, because of their large scale.


So how can you compete one way to start using landing pages and sales funnels in your business? In this article, we'll discuss why local businesses should start using these tools, provide some tips on how to get started. I love that. So now we're going to do this and then we're going to grab our headers from phrase. And then, so what I've noticed is phrase is a lot more.


And it's got more information that it can plug in, but Jasper does an amazing job on, on filling in the content gaps. And it's a lot quicker as well. Jasper also is awesome for coming up with, headlines as well as engaging questions to answer. So let's jump back over to phrase.


All right. So now we're going to compose a, quick brief, , so let's do this one for our H one


Frase Outline


So, what I like to do is I like to grab as many headlines as possible, and then I like to narrow it down, and then put them in order.


All right. So now we have a structured piece of content here. Okay. Now we can actually use the AI draft and then we can actually copy all of this.


Frase AI Quick First Draft


A quick trick. If we paste this over here, you can actually copy all of this and then we can have phrase, write us a quick outline really quick, right? So we go to outline, then we go to AI writer and then we can just throw this in here and it will either rewrite your competitor's content, summarize it, or write new AI content. and then that will actually push out content for you as well. But I'm going to jump over here to Jasper.

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And then we're going to throw this in there. And so we're going to make all of these I'm going to space these out a little bit. And then after this is done, we are going to go back and optimize it with phrase.


Why local businesses start using landing pages and sales funnels in their business? So if you put the Asterix into Jasper, can't read above that. So we're using the boss mode, we're doing control enter, and then Jasper will spit out some content for us cell phones that are good ways for business to increase the revenue and customer satisfaction.


We can use the power mode to grab persuasive bulletin point. So we're going to copy this over here. Beautiful. So let's see if frays knocked out some of these look, boom. So it's automatically creating more content for you right now. And then obviously you go back and then you edit it down. So right now it's rewriting the content from our competitors.


So it's got a, I would say probably 10 headlines so far or so nine sections so far, a 20. It's got 1500 words already. So you can use this and you can edit it I like doing both, to be honest, I think the quality for the Jasper content compared to phrases like the wording is a lot better. So you always want to think about the person's needs, Everybody wants to feel understood. So you want to make it about them.


So it's repeating a lot, so, But how many, each stage of the funnel you can ensure your customers are moving through steps in a logical order we can take that out. We're going to have a call to action down below, or actually going to give them a video of us building a sales funnel and giving it to them. And then, so Jasper's just going to start answering these questions.


What I suggest is going through the current description and then entering, Jasper has context, but I think it's gone. That Jasper's even learning or it's understanding a lot more, it's no longer a linear process. so these are giving out great, examples.


And then it's explaining the different stages of the sales funnel. And then it's got the call to action. Boom. , so what I like to do, I like to do H twos as questions, and then the age threes as answers.


Switching Back to


So I'm going to look back over at phrase. So I wrote 3000 words for us about why local businesses should use sales funnels. it's crazy. What phrase can do? I think this is a great first draft, So these are the, this is the best sales funnels.


I've got a blog post actually about going over the top sales funnels for the local businesses already. So I can link to that.

‍ wrote a 3000 word draft for us really quickly. Right. so if you're on WordPress, you can actually use a plugin, like link whisper to help you with your internal linking. I'm using currently I'm using web. And I'm using AhrefsΒ to find my internal links. So let's jump back over to phrase. I've got a bunch of different tabs open and you can actually create more than one document.


So, 15 appalling benefits of having a sales funnel for local businesses. We rewrote that title already. and then we, so we could play off this as well. Right? So we've already got a bunch of different information and then we can just go through this and, start editing it down. So then we're asking Jarvis a best content strategy for the awareness stage.


It's all about getting noticed by your target us to do this by creating education, uh, counter that edge, educates them and about the product service benefits, the way they walk was. Yeah. Entertain. It's going to add a little bit, she also create social media ads ideal.


And then obviously you want to go back, you're going to edit the crap out of these and make them your brand voice really Scully. To get people under the consideration stage take action. You need to provide more information about your product or service.


You can go through blog posts, eBooks webinars, or even free trials. The key to make sure you provide value and not just selling. , it's pretty good mean. So once you have their attention, you need to keep it. the keys keep running value.


So basically what we're doing right now, we're just going down the list, make it relevant. and then we're going to push it over to phrase and then we're going to optimize it. You can do the same thing with surfer.


If you don't tell us all of the keywords. As well as the headings that we should be using right now we're just bolding knees because these are steps and people are going to, it's going to catch their eye. If you can use a drip campaign of the points you're able to, I don't really need the. And so the bottom of the funnel conversion stage, uh, convert leads into close deals.


Cut this out and then, Right. So I can put my PS right here.


So the social proof and testimonials, it's going to help you boost your perceived value as well as the perceived outcome that it'll actually happen. It's a quick tip. And then, so I want to bold this to remind myself that I need to enter my information here. that's a good thing to think.


You've got to continuously nurture your leads even after they buy, because there's only three ways to grow a business, which is acquire more customers, increase the frequency of the buying as well as a sin and retain, so we need to continuously remarket to them so they can spend more money and we can help them more often. There are few, rugged loss, so the goal of a blog is to answer questions and help someone find the right information that they're looking for.


So what I like to do after every sale is to help me boost my, to help me boost their perceived value. I like to send a handwritten card or something that will, Help me validate and retain that sale, right? So we want to make the person believe or make the person, you know, have conviction that they made the right choices.


People hate change and they hate making decisions. So we need to validate their decision. So always do something that will help them, boost their perceived value of your product or your service actually working and a great way to do that is handwritten cards or a phone call or whatever it is.


So we're going to ask Jasper and then we are going to plug into the best sales funnel software, ClickFunnel I'm going to do, probably GHL click funnels, back to the campaign. there's realistically, any, sales funnel builder. If you're doing local businesses, you're probably not doing, you know, more than two or three pages.


Now we are going to copy this and we are going to put it into phrase. We got 2,600 words, which isn't bad. Hey, I screwed up. So I realized when I was editing this video, that the phrase screenshot of me optimizing the blog posts did not work at all.


So it's basically just a 20 minute video of a blank screen and me talking. so I'm going to make a phrase blog posts of me just optimizing the blog posts.


I'm super sorry about that. Make a video, but do me a huge favor. If you've got any comments, concerns. Leave them down below and I will make content out of it, or I will address them every comment I reach out and give some words of encouragement and if you've got any questions, do you mean he's favorably down in the comments below, I've got a handful of links and description for recipes, other videos that will answer almost any question you have about Jasper or AI. going to leave those down on the strips and below, and I'll see you in the next video.


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