Write a Blog Post in Less Than 10 Minutes with Frase.io (2022)


Write a Blog Post in Less Than 10 Minutes with Frase.io (2022)
Jonathan Blake
Content Creator
Write a Blog Post in Less Than 10 Minutes with Frase.io (2022)

This quick and easy video will show you how to write a blog post in just 10 minutes using Frase.io! Frase is an excellent tool for quickly writing content, making creating a blog post simple and fast.


  • In this video, we're going to explore how to write a blog post in less than 10 minutes using Frase.io, an online optimization and AI copywriting tool.
  • Frase.io is perfect for busy individuals who want to share their knowledge and create more content, but don't have a lot of time to spend on writing.
  • We'll start by signing up for Frase.io and taking a look at the dashboard. The dashboard includes features such as the ability to optimize existing content, documents, AI tools, SEO tools, and an AI chatbot to help answer questions on your website.
  • Next, we'll create a new document by giving Frase.io a topic. In this example, we're using the topic "best agency services to offer local businesses" and Frase.io will scrape the top 20 listings for Google to give us an idea of what to write about.
  • After Frase.io has finished scraping, we can go to the outline and pick and choose what our outline will be. We can also use one of the predetermined AI templates that Frase.io already has.
  • We'll then move on to using the AI writer to write our first draft. Frase.io will write up to 2,000 words for us in a matter of minutes.
  • We can then go over to the "my content" section and rewrite our competitor's content, summarize their content, or have the AI write brand new content for us.
  • In conclusion, Frase.io is a powerful tool for creating high-quality blog posts in a short amount of time. It's perfect for busy individuals who want to share their knowledge and create more content but don't have a lot of time to spend on writing. With Frase.io, you can easily come up with ideas and structures for your blog post and even have the AI write your first draft for you.

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Write a 10 min Blog Post With Frase.io

In this video, I'm gonna show you exactly how you can write a blog post using frase.io in less than 10 minutes. This is insane.

Hey, my name is Jonathan and I'm super busy. I'm assuming you are as well. And for me, I don't wanna waste time writing, a long blog post,but I still wanna share my knowledge and create more content.

That's exactly why I'm using Frase.io to help me with my blog content Frase.io is an online optimization tool as well as an AI copywriting assistant. This tool will help you write high quality blog post in less than 10 minutes. All you need to do is give Frase.io a topic.

And Frase will help you come up with the ideas and structures for your blog post, and it will even write your first draft for you.

I'm gonna demonstrate exactly how phrase that IO can help you put out more content. Let's jump into it.

Frase Dashboard

So first things, first, you sign up for phrase IO, right? So the dashboard looks exactly like this. And then, so on the very left, you've got the documents, the AI tools, SEO tools, your accounts, and also phrase comes with a AI chat bot. That'll crawl your website and help you answer questions or, create FAQs basically.

And get people the answers that they need all. So we're going back here. We're gonna create a phrase document really quickly . So we're gonna do create a new document and then you can actually optimize your existing content or you can rewrite someone else's content, for the sake of it, let's do a target search, so I am in the online marketing niche. So my target cur would be the best agency services to offer local businesses.

So this is what would be my target. Cur obviously you want to use Ahrefs or SEMRush to find out one of your topics. , that'll have high intent. As well as search log. Right? So now we're just gonna hit, let's go phrase is going to scrape the top 20 listings for Google, and then it's gonna give you out an input.

After thesp is done, we can go to the outline and pick and choose. What are outlines going to be, or you can use one of the predetermined AI templates that phrase already has. So this is on our content brief workflow at the moment.

Outline & Scoring

And then phrase actually will tell you how many headers you need, word count, links, images, stuff like that. So we can go through here and see exactly what our competitors are doing as well as what they're writing about. And. Go from there from the intent. So we can actually check out all the headlines, the questions, people also ask, we got core questions.

We got Reddit phrase is crazy with the amount of data they collect and they scrape it will help you build a better blog post. So we're gonna do this really quickly. We're gonna open the syrup. And then we're gonna have the AI right for us.

So five best digital market agencies is for, so we're gonna go through here. We're gonna find search queries that we can plug into ours. This is a horrible example. how to sell website services to local businesses.

So we can actually go back and we can eliminate the stuff that's not relevant to our search query or our intent on cert, but this is just gonna be a super quick example, how sales services for local businesses, video guide, so we can do web design, search engine optimization, content marketing, offline advertising.

So basically right now we're just picking and choosing. What we want in our, our outline here. And then we are going to use the AI writer and it's gonna push in our first draft, so we got eight. So I've done up to 23, 24. It'll write, you know, 2000 words for you. okay. And then, so here we go.

AI Draft

So we have this and then we can actually push the. AI draft. We can go over to my content, AI draft. And then so either we can rewrite our competitor's content that we just scraped from our outline. We can summarize our competitor's content or we can have the AI actually write us brand new content, which is awesome.

So we're gonna start this and then, so it's got nine different headlines and then. Frase IO is gonna start writing and generating content for us. Right? So now we, all we have to do is, you know, go over everything, put in our details and our brand voice, and you know, some headers and, , configure this a little bit more, but this gives us a huge outline and a huge step.

And you can legitimately build these out extremely quickly, especially , if you have writers, you know what I mean?

Blog post, outlines extremely quickly. It's, it's very, quick and painless, but this is just a great base point. You know, sometimes the AI writer goes off a little bit, but it is extremely crazy about how specific, these are. And then I would suggest always, you know, AI usually writes, you know, 99%.

But you can actually rewrite this again, or you can just go to Grammarly if you had the Grammarly business or you use Copyscape and see if it's a hundred percent plagiarism free, you can actually take that really quickly and jump over to Gramly and see if there's any plagiarism going on. So I'm super bullish on using phrase IO, especially with the optimized.

I've seen a boost in my rankings recently just using this tool. I just switched over from surfer SEO.

AI Output

All right. So in a matter of about two minutes, phrase wrote 1075 words for us. So a great starting point. This was a horrible search query to, , I'm gonna show you my other one. We're gonna copy and paste this over and we're actually gonna go over to Grammarly, but I wanna show you really quickly.

My other document that I am working on today.

I just started, it's the best marketing tools for small businesses, phrase that IO wrote 95% of this, basically a list, a simple list post, and then. Automatically create your content brief. I accidentally did this on the content brief side as well. So we can actually look at these content briefs, and then it'll show you, you can pick what you want.

so if you have a writer, you can send them over all this information, including the statistics, hyperlinks, uh, you know, some headers. It it's crazy what you can do. So we're gonna go back over and we're gonna grab. The text and we're gonna see exactly how much is plagiarized and our score.

Check For Plagiarism

So now I am on Grammarly. This is Grammarly premium for businesses. And then we're, so we're gonna throw this in here and I'm gonna see exactly how much is plagiarism or how much, similar content is there.

We can set our goals convince. So what I like to do is I like to have at least a 95% or over and a, a readability score of.About 50 or so.

all right, so we hit the plagiarism on the very bottom. Now we're gonna see exactly what Grammarly has to say. So 8% plagiarism, right? So it re basically rewrote the content from our competitors. Right. So we put in our outlines, so it's very good. Right? So now we just need to boost our score. To over 95 and make it a little bit more clear, right?

Optimize For Search Traffic

So simple optimization here. We can go back over to phrase and we can actually optimize it from here. So everything from your long tail to your clusters, titles, all that stuff, we can start adding these keywords and phrase is super smart and knows what keys keywords we need in our blog post to help us rank.

And then. It tells us our competitor score that they're only on average getting a 14.8% for their optimization score. So we need to get our optimization score a little bit higher than them so we can rank even better. So this was just a quick example of how to use phrase IO to build your first draft for your blog post.


I think it's crazy the amount of AI tools that are coming. If you've got any questions, do me a huge favor. Leave them down below. If you're getting any value from this content, hit the subscribe button. And if you wanna check out the tool, I'm gonna leave a link down below as well. I'll see you in the next video.

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